Friday, February 13, 2009

Top Five Friday

Top Five Reasons I'm a vegetarian.

Ok, I'm really more of a "Flexitarian" in that I eat meat occasionally and I eat fish regularly.

5. I really don't like the taste of meat.

4. It saves money.

3. It's healthier than eating meat.

2. It's good for the environment.

1. It's one of the easiest way for me to live out some of my morals, values and ethics.

Doesn't that look delicious??

Some suggested reading:

Vegetarian Meals make you Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Omnivore's Dilemma

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Wish I felt like posting more.

I do actually have things I care about and have quite a bit to say regarding said things.

I've been waylaid by the "I couldn't give a crap about anything, just get me to April" demon.


It's been pretty bad.

I hope to be back soon.

If you have sunshine and warmth, please send some my way!