Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I used to love "falling back"

Ahhhhh......the good old days......the days when you look forward to the end of daylight savings time for the extra hour of sleep. Staying up a little later on Saturday night and watching ALL of SNL.

That all changes with very young children in the picture. Children who don't have any concept of "sleeping in." Children who believe that "when the sunshine is ready" (Brennan's way of understanding when you sleep and when you're awake) you're supposed to be up and going. Monday it was 6:00 am. Today it was 5:40 am. Seriously!! Go back to bed!!


Jen said...

I hear ya! Yesterday it was 6:15; today 6:05! Yikes! The "going to bed at 7:30" a nice trade-off, though. I hope you are reaping that benefit, too. xoxo Jen

Anonymous said...

Well written article.