Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's all in the wrist

Bethany broke hers last night at a community soccer camp.

This is not Bethany's hand, but this is what it looked like:

The large muffins seem to have a penchant for breaking wrists -- Carter broke his two years ago, also at soccer practice.

Poor kid....we made her wait until morning to go to "Convenient" Care and get it x-rayed.

Yup. Broken. In two places and maybe a third. If there is a third break, it will likely require surgery. We'll know in a few weeks after a follow-up x-ray.

In a weird twist of fate, this injury happened when Bethany was playing goalie and blocked a goal attempt made by her ex-boyfriend, Michael.

When he apologized profusely, she said "consider us even."

1 comment:

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Oh, boy, that made me a bit queasy, and that rarely happens! I hope bethany feels better soon!