Thursday, July 31, 2008


Given our family's current preoccupation with poop, I think a trip to the Indiana State Fair would be a fitting vacation for us this year.

"Indiana??" you ask. "But you live in Illinois!" Yes, this is true. But the Illinois State Fair does not have the Coco the Colossal Colon exhibit.

I am not making this up. Here's a picture of Coco:

You may not be able to tell from that picture, but Coco is 40 feet long and 4 feet high -- tall enough to crawl through and check out what the inside of a colon looks like....both a healthy colon and a diseased colon. Like these ladies did!

And here's a link to the brochure advertising the Indiana State Fair.

See? I swear I'm not making this up!

So if you think all of THIS is fascinating, there's a club just for you.....The Colon Club!! If you want to see more pics of the inside of Coco, click here. From there you can check out the rest of the web site....and join the club if you want! Actually, if you want to join the club, that probably means you have lower GI "issues" and that's definitely NO FUN. So if this is you, I hope you're not offended by this post and are taking it in the spirit in which it was meant -- just some good clean colorectal humor.

1 comment:

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Awesome. This is too great to make up!