Saturday, April 19, 2008

Didn't happen

I did NOT run the planned for race today.

I thought I was coming down with strep throat yesterday (Carter has it) and felt generally icky. A 90 minute trip to "Convenient" Care during which a 5 foot long Q-tip was rammed down my throat reveled that I was not positive for strep. However, I came out of there feeling ickier than when I went in....probably had something to do with managing the mini-muffins in a child-unfriendly environment.

And this morning turned up windy, rainy and cold.

Maybe I'm a wimp.
Maybe I'm not as committed to running as I thought.
Maybe I'm not as nutty about running as ONO worries I am (or will become).
Maybe it's ok to not run a planned-for race.....

There's always another race.


Herself, the GeekGirl said...'s supposed to be fun, and if it's cold and raing, it's not fun! Some people do the treadmill and a movie thing - maybe that's for you?

Lisa said...
