Sunday, April 6, 2008

Return of the Chub Rub

This morning after loading up on a 2 egg, onion, pepper and feta cheese omelette, and a cranberry-walnut bran muffin, I set off on this week's long run. It was a beautiful day -- the best kind of weather (in my opinion) for running -- a little breezy, full sunshine, and about 50 degrees. I decided to wear shorts, the first time this year.

This in and of itself was a wonderful thing -- there's nothing like the breeze and sun gently caressing your pale, dimply legs. But, I forgot about the extra layer of fat that I had laid down on my inner thighs for the winter. Actually, that extra layer of fat is an all-season layer. I hang on to it in the (unlikely) event that the planet is thrown into a surprise Ice Age. I'm a survivor!!

This run really came together for me. It helped restore my confidence after Friday's sucky tempo run. I had planned to run a timed 5K to see how I was doing with that goal. I guess I started out a little too fast,(1st split 8:40) because I got really slow on mile 2 and 3. And, I had miscalculated the distance so where I thought I was only at mile 2, I was actually at mile 3. When I checked my split, I got really discouraged and blew the rest of the trial. Oh well. Live and learn.

Anywho, only a few things marred this otherwise FABULOUS run:

1. a bug in my eye (at least it wasn't in my mouth)

2. a pair of very large, not chained, dogs who came bounding out of a yard headed straight for me. I was maybe 1/3 of a mile from my turn-around point and almost decided to chance it, but fear won and I turned around right there.

3. a group of insolent adolescents who, despite seeing me coming at least 100 yards away, continued to loiter on the side walk. I kept on going, prepared to plow trough the group if necessary but only slightly grazed one who had her back to me.

I kinda noticed the consequences of my chub rubbing together about the last mile. It was really bad after I got home and took a shower. OUCH!

I guess I'll be walking like a saddle-sore cowboy for a few days.

Help, anyone??

1 comment:

Donita said...

Spandex shorts under your shorts works for Rob - after a few long years of chaffing : (