Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just look at their eyes...

NPR is doing a week-long series on soaring food costs around the world. What I heard today was about the rising demand for meat and its toll on the environment.

(Listen to that report here.)

This isn't new information. It's one of the main reasons that ONO and I decided to be flexitarians (mostly vegetarian.) So listening to this report, and the results of a specific study, gave me one of those self-gratifying moments -- "Cool! Already doing that."

I know some of you are starting to glaze over and others have already clicked on to something WAY more interesting and sensational. But for the rest of you still reading, CHECK THIS OUT!

According to that study, reducing your meat consumption by 20% is like trading in your Camry for a Prius. Can you believe how easy that is?! That's SO easy!

Here's what reducing meat consumption translates into in practical, every day terms: If you eat two meals a day that include meat, that's 14 meaty meals. Reducing by 20% means dropping meat from roughly 3 meals a week. Not that hard. And, you have to admit that reducing meat consumption is a lot less expensive than buying a Prius. In fact, doing that will SAVE money -- maybe $10-$15 week by my rough estimate.

So if the soft, brown, innocent eyes don't get ya, maybe that "cha-ching!" of your bank account will.

For more info, check out this site.

1 comment:

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I hear ya: Baboo and I became Vegans in 2000, after reading a book called, "Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating." I have it as a PDF if you're ever interested. We brought dairy and eggs back just a few months ago, mainly because soy protein didn't agree with us and we needed the extra protein for the endurance events. However, Scott Jurek is a vegan and he's won the Western States 100-mile run consistently several years in a row. So it can be done - but everyone has to find their own way. Good luck!