Monday, October 6, 2008

Running etiquette

You're running on the road (there's no sidewalk), and you're struggling up a decent-sized hill, having already gone 5 miles, and a funeral procession comes by. What do you do?

Out of respect for the dead I wondered if the proper thing was to stop running and stand there until the procession was finished. But, out of respect for the nearly dead (myself), I kept going -- slightly shame-faced. I just kept my eyes on the ground, about 10 feet ahead, and trudged on. Was this bad form?

BTW, today's mileage was 8.5. A little raggedy towards the end, but I went the distance. That 10K coming up should be a piece of cake!!

1 comment:

ECrunnergirl said...

That is a really good question! What DOES one do in a situation like that?? Honestly, I would have kept on going myself, but Im not known for my etiquette either :0

Good luck on the 10K!!