Thursday, January 10, 2008

Looking into the future (Part II)

Except for the frightening drop-off in clients last summer, I'm really happy with the development of my private practice. This May 1 I will have been seeing clients on my own for 2 years. Sometimes it's hard to believe! What started as a wish, turned into a little bit of hope, and then, almost like a miracle, it was a reality. It didn't happen without the support of a lot of people and some fortunate events (special thanks to ONO, Hiromi, Wilma, Joanna and Tim, and the Midwest Center for Sleep Medicine). And, most surprising to me is how new clients keep calling, without a whole lot of effort on my part. In other words, I haven't done that much marketing of my self/practice and have plenty of work!

It's good to be in a comfortable place and I have enjoyed that for the last few months. Being comfortable has allowed me to see how I can improve the good work I'm already doing. So I think this year is going to be mostly about "tweaking," with one goal to help me stretch a bit. There are a number of things I'm hoping to accomplish this year. They are:

1. Become an in-network provider for at least 3 more insurance carriers.

2. Improve my current handouts and create some new ones.

3. Locate some new furniture. In particular, I want to find a new desk. The one I have now is fine, except it takes up a lot of room. After making more space, I'd like to find two arm chairs that couples can sit in and turn to face each other when I want them to do some interaction. (I know -- sounds scary, huh? That's why a lot of people never go to therapy cuz they think the therapist will make them do something uncomfortable About a problem. With their spouse. Crazy!!)

4. Once I find the chairs and the new desk, I'll rearrange my office to create a new set-up. I need more seating because I'm seeing more families.

5. Go to a John Gottman training. He's researched couples for over 30 years. He's pretty much THE expert in the field.

6. Up-date and flesh-out my professional web site. It has been hanging in limbo for about 18 months now.

7. Get a professional photo taken and upload it to my Psychology Today listing, my AAMFT listing, and my web site.

8. Follow-through on a workshop idea I had this year. Because I have something of a specialty in this community (couples therapy), I think offering "relationship check-up" workshops (or some such thing) on a few weekends here and there is an option that couples who normally wouldn't go to therapy would be willing to do. This is the "stretch" goal.

Alrighty......let the tweaking begin!

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