Sunday, February 10, 2008


for someone to tell me to STOP messing around with my blog layout/design. I can't quite find the one the I really, really like.

Someday, hopefully sooner than later, I'm going to switch over to WordPress and use a domain name I bought a few months ago: Sounds like Cake (get it?!? My last name is 'Haake,' and you pronounce it like "cake.")

I'm not sure what's keeping me from making the switch except the thing that keeps most of us where we are, even though we're not too happy with the place....comfort with the familiarity and, to be honest, laziness.

Watch for future changes.

1 comment:

Donita said...

Me likey. However, I did start a wordpress blog and it's not as versatile and I just didn't have the time to figure it out. But you go girl! Then you can teach me : )