Monday, September 24, 2007

3 X a week

I try hard to get out and run 3-4 times a week. How do I do this with 4 kids, you ask? Why, I drag the mini-muffins along! I'm mostly successful if I don't care too much about some whining about turning off the TV and tantrum throwing -- Logan doesn't liked to be strapped down. It also helps to take drinks, snacks, toys and break up the run with a stop at a park.

This is what we take with us on a typical run.....yes, pepper spray and juice ARE an odd combination. I take pepper spray because you never know how many dogs or hooligans you're going to run into. There's a lot of them.....dogs, not hooligans. Anyway,what you don't see here is the cinch sack full of Brennan's stuff that goes with him everywhere during his waking hours. It's the same stuff that gets lined up on his bed every night. Yes, it's a lot of stuff....but worth it (see this post).

I got the double jog stroller for $85 at a yard sale in early June. If you know anything about how much those things cost you know what a STEAL that is! Besides my running shoes, it's the best chunk of money I've spent on this endeavor.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey, I know that Cars cup!