Saturday, September 1, 2007

A belly-button shall lead

and a tight booty should follow.

That's one of many mantras I chant while running. I also say things like "keep going," "you can do it," and "No, you are NOT going to stop."

The belly-button thing came from the running experts who tell you how to get "Better, Stronger and Faster!" Apparently, you're supposed to imagine your body being drawn forward by your navel. Doing that is supposed to keep all the other limbs and joints in proper alignment for "Better, Stronger, Faster!" running. I think it mostly keeps me from looking like a hunched over old lady.

The tight booty.....well, I'm just hoping for that.

1 comment:

Donita said...

That's my wish too! ; ) I find that really GOOD music helps me stay in good cardio-mode (Wolfmother, The Killers, Green Day, Pearl Jam). I love my iPod.