Friday, September 28, 2007

Budding Environmentalist

Brennan is terrified of public restrooms. He actually refuses to use any toilet other than the ones in his own home. It's probably because he had a few traumatic experiences with public toilets as he was going through potty training. They were mostly my fault and they have been duly added to the already heaping mound of things I feel guilty for as a mother. You can imagine with 4 kids just how big that pile's a miracle I get out of bed every day!

Technically he's been potty trained for a couple of months but he still wears a diaper when he goes to the babysitter's house three days a week.....just in case. He has amazing bladder control and can usually hold it the whole time he's there (4-6 hours) but in the event he couldn't any more, I'm pretty sure we'd be looking for a new child care arrangement.

He does great when we go to the store, stop by my office or watch one of Carter's soccer games. If he does have to go, we just find a tree or a bush, hopefully in a secluded place, and he takes care of business.

This morning, an absolutely gorgeous morning, I ran with the mini muffins to one of our favorite parks. Everyone was happily playing, sharing toys and such when all of a sudden Brennan yells at the top of his lungs "I HAVE TO PEE!!" and starts to pull down his pants. There were lots of parents and kids there so fortunately I was able intervene and usher him to the edge of the park where there were lots of trees. He had quite a bit of business to take care of and I may have said something like "Wow! That's a lot of pee." He said "The tree is very thirsty."

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